Project Catalyst veteran proposer with track record of continuous funding and successful delivery since Fund 9
An official editor of the Cardano Foundation CIP repository & its #1 most counted contributor
Cardano Developer Portal: most prolific contributor outside Cardano Foundation. Author of Security section on Dev Portal (standards for Air Gap Environment & Secure Transaction Workflow)
Frankenwallet - inventor & maintainer of open-source DIY "zero-data wallet" key management & record-keeping platform: a bootable USB-based secure environment, to eliminate need for dedicated "air gapped" hardware (see on Ideascale or Lido Nation)
Cardano standards (CIPs): CIP-0013 co-author and current maintainer. Discord > CIP Editors Meetings official server (invite): Editor role & CIP helping hand on #general channel. Group moderator of CIP Room, Cardano Professional Society (independent MBO [members-based organisation])
Cardano Forum: @COSDpool (top 10 contributor)
Other Cardano projects
Stake pool operator since beginning of Shelley era (COSD: low-fee single pool) since Q3 2020; seven-time winner and current holder of Cardano Foundation community delegation
Cardano Summit, September 2021: Standards panellist on Governance track
Relevant experience prior to blockchain (pre-2020)
UNIX/Linux systems integrator, project manager, and software standards architect since late 1980's (C.V. / Resume)
Computer industry consultant with thirty years of professional experience in systems integration, networking, programming / design, technical writing, and project management
Business advisor for cloud computing, online marketing & commerce, data security, technical training and emerging technologies